People who have a cat or a cat, not by hearsay know what is the hair on their clothes. But combing cats need not only because of the trouble on things. It is also important for the health of the cat because the undercoat may disintegrate into tangles. In addition, when licking the hair it gets into the gastrointestinal tract of the cat. But the choice of tools available is enormous. Most owners choose cat hair care items according to their financial resources. And you need to consider the features of the tool. It should be suitable for your cat.
Furminator for cats
The Furminator is a comb-trimmer for combing out the undercoat of cats. This device was invented in America. It looks like a small rake. A nozzle is attached to the handy handle, and instead of teeth on the device there are small blades. This device is especially effective for the care of cats with long hair, as regular and high-quality removal of dead hairs prevents the formation of tangles.
Furminator works as follows:
- fine teeth grab the loose hairs of the undercoat;
- The movement of the comb with blades pulls out all the trapped hair.
There are several versions of these devices. They differ in the length of the blades and the frequency of teeth: mini, medium and maxi. The modification is chosen based on the size of the animal and the length of its hair. Cats of short-haired breeds need a furminator with short blades, for more fluffy pets – with long ones. It is recommended to use the device 2-3 times a month. Usually after the first use the result is evident.
To properly comb the pet with this device, you need to remember a few rules:
- The animal must be soothed.
- You should brush from the withers to the tail, but not vice versa.
- You do not need to put a lot of pressure on the comb (otherwise the cat will be hurt).
- If the hair is electrified, you can use an antistatic agent.
- Before combing, it is necessary to inspect the cat’s skin for rashes or wounds (if there are, it is necessary to postpone the procedure).
- If the hair is pulled into tight tangles, you should carefully remove them with scissors or a lint cutter.
- It is not recommended to start combing out the wet fur of the animal.
- The work should be done leisurely, without unnecessary force and sudden movements.
- Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of areas in the area of genitals, tummy and paws of the cat.
- You should comb the hair of long-haired breeds starting from the lower layers (the top layer of hair will be lifted with clips).
As a rule, there is a removable nozzle (or several) in the set with the device. A replaceable blade can be useful in case one of the teeth gets bent. If used properly, a furminator will last 10-15 years.

Other things for combing cats
In the past, ordinary combs (human combs) were used for combing cats. Some gave away old combs for the pet’s benefit, and some bought a separate comb for the pet.
If you do not want or cannot visit a grooming salon, you can buy all the necessary tools for combing the cat at home
Nowadays, in addition to the furminator, you can easily find and buy special combs (scratchers) for grooming pets:
- brushes complete with cat doors;
- brushes comb;
- combs;
- groomers;
- combination scratchers;
- trimmers, etc.
The most “lazy” attachment is the cat door brush. This brush frames the edges of the cat’s cage or door. As it passes through the door, the cat brushes itself. The soft but resilient bristles do all the work for you. Besides, in these cases the cat won’t break out and scratch you, because you won’t drag it through the door by force. However, this method of scratching is more suitable for short-haired cats who do not need to be brushed often. For the same purpose you can buy a special arch for your pet.
Brushes can also be manual. Such a tool can be used for the main procedure. If a furminator can be used every other day or two, a brush can be used at least every day. This is especially appropriate if your cat likes to be massaged. Such combs come in several kinds:
- with plastic teeth;
- with metal teeth;
- bristle brushes;
- combined.
The principle of choosing a brush is still the same. A comb with long teeth (bristles) is for long-haired cats, with short ones – for short-haired cats. The main requirement when buying such a tool: check its quality. The handle should be comfortable, the tips of the teeth should have a “drop”, and the bristles should “sit” tightly in the cushion. If the tufts of bristles fall out of the comb, it will quickly fall into disrepair.
For cats with long hair, a comb is more suitable. It is a comb with one row of long teeth. Combs may be of wood, plastic or metal. Wooden combs don’t harm the hair but they wear out quickly (crack, break). Plastic and metal combs are very long-lasting, but can electrify the hair. That’s why you should remember about antistatic. Combs are ideal for regular combing. With their help, you can comb out unnecessary undercoat and tidy up the hair shaft. You can choose such a comb with or without a handle.
Combs with frequent teeth help to detect the presence of fleas in the pet. You can do it by scratching cat’s hair from ear to shoulder blade (a little bit of pressure). The teeth should touch the skin (so that the fleas can’t hide), but the cat shouldn’t be hurt. If the comb is plastic, it is better to buy a comb of any colors, except black and white.
To take care of the hair of the fluffiest pets you need a down comb (slicker). It is a comb in the form of a brush with thin, but curved metal teeth. This tool is especially effective during the moulting period, as it easily catches and brushes out most of the hair that has fallen out.
There are cats that have short fur and a very thick undercoat. Such cats include the British short-haired breed. British cats also need to be brushed with a hair brush. They only need a tool with short teeth. It is ideal if these teeth are also straight.
Some groomers have a “droplet” on the teeth. It is a thickening on the end of the tooth, necessary to protect the animal’s skin from mechanical damage. But not every cat groomer can afford the luxury of feeling sorry for their kitty. Most professional groomers believe that cats with very long hair (and abundant undercoat) slickers with a drop are not suitable. Such cats may include Persian or Angora cats. The fact is that the drop can create a hindrance to the hair’s tangles, tangling them even more. Because of this, long hairs can fall out prematurely. A gentle tool is recommended for kitten hygiene.
To brush the cat successfully and painlessly, you need to follow some recommendations:
- Comb the cat only in the direction of hair growth.
- You should brush slowly so as not to damage healthy hair shafts.
- It is better to begin with the neck and back, proceeding to the chest and sides (in the last turn – “panties” and tail).
During the moulting period you should use a groomer 2-3 times a week, but for the rest of the time once a week will do. There are also many other tools and devices.

Advantages and disadvantages of different combs
It is impossible to claim that any one comb is better than all the others. First, the cat’s owner may not like the item he is recommended (for example, not satisfied with the price). And secondly, several tools are needed to care for each animal. So, for the long-haired cats may need a down groomer, and Furminator, and even a lint cutter. And a short-haired cat can be brushed twice a week with a bristle brush, and bathed once every six months with a rubber massage mitt. However, there are a few important things to consider when choosing a product.
Brushes are the most commonly used. There are many choices, and you can weigh the pros and cons of each model. One thing is for sure: using a tool with natural bristles is very useful. In addition to smoothing the hair, it gives the cat a massage. In addition, the resilient bristles contribute to the distribution of natural grease in the coat. The brush will also remove the hairs that are already on top of the hair shaft. It is these loose hairs that usually end up in the pet’s stomach. But unfortunately, such combs are short-lived. The bristles fall out and fall into tangles. They are also inconvenient to wash and clean. The animals themselves may not accept the brush, and then you have to buy another one, which is an additional expense.
Combs when brushing short-haired cats may not produce the result you were hoping for. Cats like it when the owner slowly runs a comb over their coats, but you can not comb out all the dead hair. The budget of the comb plays an important role. This is one of the most economical tools (from 100 rubles). In addition, a comb is a long-lived among other devices for the hygiene of cats. But there is another disadvantage of combs – static. If you have not purchased antistatic in advance, the hair will become electrified. The pet won’t like being electrocuted. It’s safe, but extremely unpleasant.
One of the most popular tools among furry cat owners is a groomer. With its help you can remove most of the unwanted undercoat, and it is inexpensive (from 200 rubles). The disadvantage of the tool is that not all cats lend themselves to combing with a slicker. An inexperienced cat breeder can take a wrong direction angle, in which case the curved teeth will get stuck in the tangled hair and the animal will be in pain. One painful procedure, and the cat will not give it any more.
Contraindications to the use of different combing tools
There are a number of contraindications for different types of scratching tools:
- If there are tangles on the pet’s coat, you can’t use a lint brush to untangle them.
- You should not brush a cat at all if it has any lesions or irritations on its body.
- You should not use anything except a massage mitten to comb through a wet coat (after bathing).
- It is not recommended to use a furminator and groomer for daily use.
- Furminator should not be used to care for cats without undercoat.
There are cats and cats that have no undercoat. These include the following cats:
- Turkish angora;
- Turkish Van;
- Ragamuffin;
- Oriental;
- Burmese;
- Bombay, etc.
And most combs with multiple teeth, as well as the furminator, are designed for combing out “down” hairs.