If you leave the city for the whole summer, an outdoor enclosures for a tailed member of the family will be a great solution. The article offers information about a variety of enclosures for cats, ready-made and carried out on an individual project. You will get acquainted with the functions of the structures and materials of manufacture, as well as with the details that increase the comfort of animals and their owners.
Why a cat needs an outdoor enclosure
A trip to the countryside for city dwellers is associated with a break from the bustle, freedom and fresh air. If the family has pets, they also expect a trip and a change of scenery. Cats which are used to confined spaces find themselves in unknown but very tempting territory, their exploratory instincts kick in and most of them are determined to explore their surroundings. For a pet not used to freedom, unexpected freedom can be the source of many troubles:
- The animal may run away and get lost.
- Contact with local old-timers can result in a fight, a dangerous infection or an unwanted pregnancy.
- A valuable cat may be stolen.
- The animal may be hit by a car.
- The cat’s instincts may kick in and go after the neighbor’s chickens – the owners’ reaction can be unpredictable.
No matter how much you want to protect the cat from the dangers of the outside world, you can’t keep it in the house all the time, depriving it of the joys of country life. Sooner or later your pet will find a minute and slip out. The solution to all these problems have long existed.
A cat cage in your garden will balance the needs – yours and your cats’:
- You will quietly go about your business, and the long-awaited vacation will not be spoiled by a series of search and rescue operations.
- Your pet will get to spend the whole day outdoors in complete safety.
Features of the enclosures: the secrets of choice
An enclosures is commonly referred to as a stationary outdoor structure, equipped with everything necessary for the long-term stay of a pet. The first enclosures for meowing pets appeared in North America; there such fenced-in patios received a special semi-joking name – cathio (by analogy with the patio, patio). Practical invention quickly spread around the world, although in our country it is still not a tradition, but an exotic. For owners thinking about the purchase of such a structure, there are recommendations to help choose the best option. Choosing an aviary, think about the following things:
- Place of installation. A place that is protected on one side by a house wall or fence is best – it’s cozier for the cat. If space allows, the construction is installed on the veranda or terrace.
- Size. The larger the territory will be, the calmer and more confident the animal will feel. The fenced area should correspond to the number of pets, especially if you buy an enclosures for kittens and cat mom.
- Material. Domestic manufacturers offer collapsible structures without a floor on a wooden or metal frame, tightened with a welded mesh with PVC coating.
- Roof. Not only protects the nimble animal from escape, but also serves as protection from the weather and direct sunlight. Flat roof should have a slight slope, the presence of drainage, ridding the floor of puddles is welcome.
- Design Features. An enclosures is equipped with a wicket, which is closed with a latch (bolt); some models have a window for feeding, as well as a place for bowls and a litter tray.
- Amenities. Owners decide for themselves what they need to buy additionally to ensure the comfort of their pets. Usually it’s a cozy cat house, a scratching post, crossing bridges and multilevel shelves, a play complex.
Many owners prefer not to buy ready-made, but to order a custom enclosures to the country house for animals. This is a brilliant opportunity to create ideal living conditions for the pet; an individual approach will allow you to take into account many factors:
- Set the desired dimensions.
- Design an enclosures for a specific location (such as a terrace).
- Choose a floor. Linoleum, tile, boardwalk or gravel will do. You can sow a lawn or order a combination.
- Equip the enclosures with a separate passage to the living house.
- Design a special closet in which to store equipment for games.
- Equip the vestibule in front of the entrance if the area allows (some cats love to arrange the escape).
Often, the enclosure for cats in private homes is built by owners. Implementation of simple, at first sight, the problem has its pitfalls. Enclosures must cope with its main function: to ensure a safe life for the cat. Therefore, the choice of materials and quality construction comes to the forefront. For example, the mesh size should be small enough that the cat can not stick his paw out and get stuck.
Also, if the enclosures has no floor, the bottom edge of the net must be buried in the ground. If you have never been involved in the construction of such structures, mistakes in execution can turn into trouble for a furry family member.
Enclosures for cats are increasingly seen as a necessity rather than an ordinary whim. Everyone wins – the cat, which gets considerable (compared to a city apartment) freedom and independence, and the household members, who gain such a welcome peace of mind.

How do I keep dogs away from my cats enclosures?
A popular way to keep dogs away from a cat enclosures is to use a motion-activated sprinkler. The sprinkler will go off when the dog enters the area, and this will scare them away. Another way to keep dogs away is to use a motion-activated sound device that emits an unpleasant sound when triggered.